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Hello BadAss,

I'm Danielle Ellen Reid, and like you, I strive to embody the spirit of a BadAss. I am a Soldier, emergency manager, humanitarian, adrenaline junkie, and world traveler. My mission is clear: combatting Violence Against Women and empowering as many BadAss Women as possible.

The persistent challenges faced by women, whether in NYC or Djibouti, are a driving force behind my work. I've observed firsthand the wide spectrum of privileges and intersecting factors that shape women's experiences.

Growing up, I witnessed women in marriages they did not choose, bound by financial dependence on their husbands. Many endured abusive behaviors, aware of their powerlessness in such situations.


Throughout my humanitarian efforts across various global locations, I've encountered these same social issues. However, women in these circumstances often have fewer legislative rights and limited high-income opportunities.


The consequences of gender inequality are universal, manifesting in a false sense of superiority that endangers our physical safety. Feeling a sense of frustration and urgency, I'm determined to provide tangible solutions for women's safety.

While I am trained to use a variety of weapons as a Soldier, I understand that not all women share this experience. It's not merely about acquiring tools; it's about feeling empowered to wield them effectively.


My goal is not to eliminate every threat, but to create a community of prepared BadAss women who can support each other in facing the possibility of violence.




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